Let the wings take root

Kari Miller

Posted on May 07 2019

Fifteen years ago, while searching to find my voice and purpose, I moved from Texas to Baltimore, Maryland to attend the Maryland Institute College of Arts (MICA). Shortly after deciding not to attend MICA after all, and feeling lost on life direction, I received a note from my undergraduate mentor and photography professor encouraging me to read the book "How to Read a Poem and Fall in Love with Poetry" by Edward Hirsch. She explained that I needed to learn about poetry in order to understand my own work. I quickly bought the book and started reading, but stopped at page 6. On the last line of page 6, my struggle was finally contextualized in the words of Juan Ramon Jimenez:

"But let the wings take root and the roots fly."

My deep desire to allow my wings to take root has pushed me in a variety of directions over the years. Each gave me a new perspective and shaped me, but none felt like the spot where I was ready to allow my wings to fold under.

A little over two years ago, Ryan and I started our parenting and adoption journey. In our first parenting voyage, we parented a kiddo from a hard past, and our hearts where expanded with empathy, understanding, and compassion for kids coming from hard backgrounds. We struggled alongside him as he learned to trust safe adults. We learned how to advocate for him and help him succeed. Our hearts were torn when he returned to his home after a short year.

Then we began a new voyage through private domestic adoption, and we were open to almost any situation the Lord would bring to our family. Months of paperwork, emails, and research of prenatal exposures ensued. Each situation we encountered, our hearts were expanded and we opened our hands, waiting. 

One month ago, we received an email about a baby girl (who we will call "A" for short here). When I read the email I had an immediate feeling that life was about to change. Change it has! My wings are now ready to take root in advocating, loving, and helping little A pursue her dreams. My wings are folding under to take root in pursuit of her finding her wings.

Welcome to our family baby girl A!

Needless to say, I have not finished reading the book! I picked it back up this past February, and hopefully I will finish reading it by the time my daughter goes to college.

Full announcement to come after adoption finalization, expected October 2019.

I will be on maternity leave for the next 6-8 weeks as we adjust to our new life as a family.  Any ready to ship items (cards + posters) will continue to ship.  I will not be taking on any new custom work during this maternity leave.


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